If you are going to The Basic School, or will be spending time in the field as a Marine Officer the single best way to improve your experience is to purchase a JetBoil and some Mountain House meals immediately. The JetBoil is essentially a lightweight and compact cooking stove (easily fits inside a main pack or an assault pack) that enables users to boil water in the field. Boiling water can then be used to make dehydrated meals (like Mountain House), coffee, hot chocolate, oatmeal, etc. From my experience, hot coffee and a good meal are enough to make the field not feel like the field. So what do we like about the JetBoil? For starters, it's small, and light. All of the components (fuel, tripod, igniter) fit inside the insulated cup, which is great for storage and packing. In addition, it boils water extremely quickly. At room temperature it takes about 100 seconds, and in subzero temperatures it does the deed in roughly 3 minutes. Set-up is minimal and efficient. You simply put the fuel canister in the tripod, screw it in to the igniter, and then attach the igniter to the cup. It takes about 10 seconds. The simple and intuitive design, along with minimal assembly allowed me to use it at night, with no illumination or artificial light.
It is extremely durable, which means you don't have to worry about it when it's in your pack. Finally, it's cost effective. After the initial buy, it is cheap to use it, as the fuel lasts a long time and is inexpensive to replace. A small fuel canister easily lasts the course of a 4 day field exercise, even when used multiple times per day. So do yourself a favor, and stop eating cold MREs in the field. Live a little. Pick one up here. Comments are closed.
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